$20 Individual Membership
$40 Family Membership
$20 per each Nomination
Consider a sponsorship to the Keystone Classic Horse Show by adding the additional amount to your payment.
Remember to click the blue "submit Membership/Nomination form" button. You can then utilize the PayPal link which redirects you to the PayPal website for payment only.
If you don't submit the form from the PSHA website, we will not have your information for membership/nominations/banquet reservations.
PSHA Membership Options:
$20 Individual
$40 Family
Only adult members or parent contact information will be published in directory.
Family is considered parents and children under 18.
PSHA Nomination Options:
$20 per nomination
You only need to nominate the horse OR the rider.
Which one? Nominate the horse unless the rider is planning on showing in equitation or academy.
More information on our Highpoint Award program is listed below and on our High Point Awards page.
Saddlebreds, Morgans, Hackneys, Friesians are all welcome!
You only need to nominate the horse OR the rider.
Which one do you nominate?
Horses should always be nominated unless you are competing in Equitation or Academy (those are divisions in which the rider is being judged not the horse). If you are an Academy rider or a show rider competing in equitation, then you must nominate the rider instead of the horse since the rider is the ones being judged. Horses are not themselves required to be nominated for their nominated riders to earn points in Equitation and Academy. If your Academy horse is ALSO showing outside of Academy, you then must nominate the horse as well to earn points outside of Academy. If you are an equitation rider that also plans to show your horse in performance classes, then you will need to nominate the horse as well as the equitation rider.
You must be a member to nominate your horse or rider to compete for High Point Awards. Both membership & nomination should be filled out by the owner, or the person leasing the horse (Lessee) for the season. All awards will go to the member who submitted the nomination for the horse.
You must be nominated before points will accumulate.
Horse Division:
The program allows Saddlebreds, Half Saddlebreds, Morgans, Friesians and Hackney Ponies to compete for year end High Points. The top 3 in each division will be presented with awards at the banquet.
Saddlebreds can compete for the following awards: 5-Gaited, 3-Gaited, Fine Harness, Park, Park Pleasure, 5-Gaited Show Pleasure, Show Pleasure Adult, Show Pleasure Junior Exhibitor, Show Pleasure Driving, Country Pleasure Adult, Country Pleasure Junior Exhibitor, Country Pleasure Driving, Country Pleasure Hunt Seat and Country Pleasure Western.
Morgans can compete for the following awards: Park (Harness or Under Saddle), English Pleasure, Classic Pleasure, Hunter Pleasure, Western Pleasure and Pleasure Driving (Pleasure or Classic Pleasure).
All breeds are eligible to compete in Open Divisions: Walk/Trot Pleasure, Open English Pleasure Adult, Open English Pleasure Junior Exhibitor, Open Western and Open Driving.
Hackney ponies will be awarded an overall Hackney highpoint award regardless of division shown.
Rider Division:
Academy and Equitation riders are also able to compete for year end High Points. The top 3 in each division will be presented with awards at the banquet.
Equitation riders are eligible for the following divisions: Leadline, Walk/Trot and 17 & Under.
Academy riders are eligible for the following divisions: 10 & Under, 11-17 and Adult. Awards may be split further by age if large number of participants warrant. Tournament riders are eligible for Academy awards.